Morgan Select Board Meeting 3/13/11

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on March 13, 2011 @ 7:00 PM


I. Call to Order———7:00 PM

II. Roll Call————–Chair. Miller, L.Labor, R. Guyer

III. Approval of last meeting’s minutes—accepted as read.

IV. Chairperson’s report

a. We received a letter of resignation from Robert Cain as the Energy
Coordinator for the town.

b. We received a letter of resignation from Sue Swenson as one of the town

c. We received the Liquor license renewal application for the Morgan Country
Store; this was reviewed and signed.

d. A request for the members of the BCA to attend a property tax assessment
appeals was reviewed. Robby has agreed to attend the seminar on April 5th
in White River; registration is $80.00 this was approved by the board.

e. A request was received from Tammy for the town clerk and assistant to
attend the Annual town officer’s education conference on April 20th in
Fairlee, Vt., this was approved by the board. Registration is $60.00 per

f. A notice was received from the VLCT of the Select Board Institute to be
held 3/26 and 4/30; the members filed this pending calendar review.

g. A notice of an amendment to the Northeast Kingdom Waste Management District
Plan was read and reviewed, no action needed.

h. A letter from the NVDA on high-risk rural roads for 2011, was received,
reviewed and noted. No action needed.

i. A letter was received from Scott Keysar from District 9 in regards to Town
Highway Structures and Class 2 Roadway programs funding. This was read and

j. A letter from VTRANS noting centerline marking on all paved Class 1 and 2
town highways, this was forwarded to Shawn Austin.

k. A loan application from the Vt. municipal equipment loan fund was received.
No action was required. We are not borrowing.

l. Two weight permit applications were received; Pike Industries and Carrroll
Concrete Co. both were reviewed and assigned. Tammy received the checks
from both.

m. A notice of the CD rollover was received from CNB

n. A copy of our Insurance Declarations for 2011 was received from VLCT; there
are no changes to document, however, the value of the grader and backhoe,
will be determined to adjust our coverage needs.

o. A copy of an email communication as received by Diane Moore (lister)
regarding a tax appeal was reviewed and filed. No action needed to be

p. A request from Diane Moore to attend the Grand List Seminar as sponsored by
the VLCT was approved by the board. The registration is $80.00

q. Also a request from Diane Moore to attend the Annual Town Officers Ed.
Conf. On 4/20 at Lake Morey was approved by the board.

r. The Town Forest Fire Warden reappointment form was approved and signed, it
is also noted that this is a 5-year appointment.

s. A notice from the NVDA on Foreign Trade Zones was received along with a map
of such. This was approved and returned to Tammy for printing on official
letterhead stationary.

t. A notice was received from IROC requesting approval for their proposed
Summer Kingdom Triathlon event. This was approved as submitted.

u. A letter requesting the opportunity to BID on our fuel needs was received.
After discussion it was agreed to have Tammy supply them with our volumes
and let them submit a bid. The board agreed to this.

v. A letter was received from Maguire Equipment requesting the opportunity to
bid on our waste handling equipment needs. We are not purchasing any new
equipment, so this was filed.

w. Reappointment of the Town Service Officer was approved by the board and
signed. Jane Malgeri agreed to serve another term. Thank you.

V. Treasurer’s report
Revenue and expenditure reports were reviewed for period 9.
Orders # 19 were reviewed and approved for payment.

VI. Old business—None discussed.

VII. New Business—Kathy Brule-Lazzara, our Town Health Officer came to the
meeting to discuss a health hazard issue that was recently brought to her
attention. She came seeking guidance on how to proceed. Kathy was referred
to the VLCT legal department, as none of us had experience with the issue.

VIII. Next meeting———March 28

IX. Meeting adjourned at 8:25PM

X. Submitted by Larry Labor

Morgan Select Board Meeting 1/24/11

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on January 24, 2011 @ 7:00 PM

Present: R. Miller, chair
R. Guyer

Guest: Janet Selby

A. Previous meeting minutes approved as read.

B. Janet Selby came to the meeting to discuss the State’s changes to the
Milfoil Program. The State has changed how the grant is to administered and
who may apply for it. The Select Board must apply for and be responsible for
administering the grant. After discussion, it was approved that members of the
Seymour Lake Association will continue to write the grant as they have the
history and familiarity with the program. The Select Board will review and
sign off on it, as the state is not allowing co-applications any more.

Thank you Janet.

C. A letter of introduction was received from Bruce A. Melendy. He is the new
Regional Emergency Planning Coordinator for the Northeastern Vermont
Development Association.

D. Notice was received that the standard mileage rate for 2011 will be $0.51
per mile. The IRS establishes this annually

D. The Derby Line Ambulance Service submitted their bill for service to the
town for 2011 for $6696.00

E. A notice was received from NRRA. They are sponsoring a meeting in Carroll
NH on a waste recovery and consolidation program.

E. A notice was received from the Association of Vermont Conservation
Commissions describing the availability of a “Tiny Grant Program” there are
grants available for the sum of $250 to $500 dollars to assist towns in the
formation of Conservation Commissions. This read and filed.

F. Penelope Thomas resigned as the “Towns Service Officer” We will be looking
for a volunteer for that position. Thank you Penny for your service to the

G. The budget and articles for the March Meeting warning were reviewed and
nearly finalized, with only the school budget remaining to be entered.

The Select Board approved the budget with the requested changes and reviewed
the proposed article and approved those also.

Orders were reviewed and signed for payment

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 PM

Submitted by L.Labor

Morgan Select Board Meeting 1/19/11

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on January 19, 2011 @ 6:00 PM

Present: R. Miller chair
R. Guyer
L. Labor

Guest: Tammy Morin –town clerk/treasurer

Shawn Austin Road Commissioner

Purpose: This meeting was called in addition to the regularly scheduled
meetings for the purpose of developing the 2011-2012 budgets and for preparing
for the March Town Meeting warning.

The animal control officer compensation was changed to reflect a flat rate of
$300.00 per year and a $20.00 payment per call/occurrence.

The school budget has yet to be turned in: this will have to be added at a
later time.

Several organizations have not turned in their requests for appropriations…the
deadline for submission is the 20th. If turned in by the deadline, they will
be added to the warning.

The roofing over the roll off at the transfer station was discussed. Shawn had
the dimensions and submitted them to Tammy. This small job will be put out to
bid, as it must be done by June as it is in this year’s budget.

Doug Garon submitted two quotes for fencing repairs to the cemeteries. One
(Cargill) is in this year’s budget and should be done prior to fiscal year
end. The second is for repairs to the (Beach cemetery) and will be on the
agenda for the select board meeting on the 24th.

Shawn presented the highway budget; it represents a $1,500.00 increase. He
also noted that he increased the budget for chloride spraying for dust control
in the summer.

The Town has not had an outside audit firm review our books and transactions
since 2002. Per recommendation of the audit committee, Tammy has been asked to
secure 2 quotes for this process. This will be put into the budget as soon as
we have a figure.

Note: under highways, Shawn noted that the town owns a John Deer backhoe that
sees very little use, and he is recommending disposing of it. Shawn will
obtain an estimated value and forward it to the Select Board for their review.

Tammy will put in town warning asking for permission to sell it.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM

Submitted by L. Labor

Morgan Select Board Meeting 1/10/11

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on January 10, 2011 @ 7:00 PM

Present: R. Miller
R. Guyer
L. Labor

A. Previous minutes accepted as read.

B. The following communications were read, reviewed and filed:

Thank you note from the Old Stone House Museum for appropriations received.

The listers’ presented a copy of their proposed budget for the 2011-2012 year.
This will be reviewed and incorporated into the budget process.

A notice was received on the availability of a hazard mitigation grant program

A notice of the 30th Annual Northeast Recycling Conference and Expo.

A copy of e-mail from Sara Davies on the Snyder property appeal.

Tammy distributed a copy of the proposed budget along with current and
previous budgets for the Board’s review.


A request from the town clerk and assistant to go to a Town meeting workshop
sponsored by the VLCT was reviewed and approved. Registration is $80.00 per
person. This will be held on February 23, in Montpelier.

The annual Certificate of Highway Mileage was reviewed; there were no
additions or deletions. It was filled out and signed.

A copy of the proposed Town Meeting Warning was reviewed. Additional
information is to be added as not all of the information has come forward re:
school budget dollars etc.

A separate budget meeting was scheduled for January 19th at 6 PM at the town

Orders 13 A, B, and C and Orders 14 were reviewed and signed for payment.

C. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Submitted by L. Labor

Morgan Select Board Meeting 12/13/10

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on December 13, 2010 @ 7:00 PM

Present: R. Miller Chair
R. Guyer
L. Labor

A. Previous minutes accepted as read.

B. Communications:

1. A letter was received from the Drift Dusters Snowmobile Club, requesting
the town grant access to the Morgan/Charleston town road. This would enable
machines to get to the lake, VAST trails and to the 4-corner store for gas

This was approved, a letter to that affect will be sent to Mr. Gosselin.

2. A letter from the town of Derby soliciting support from the Select Board
for the development of a Wal-Mart store in Derby. After discussion it was
felt more information was needed and a follow up letter will be sent to the
Derby select board.

3. A notice of warning for the County budget meeting was received. It will be
held December 15th, 2010 at 4PM.

4. A copy of a land use permit for LEWIS a. Thompson Living Trust was received
from the State of VT.

5. A memorandum from the Vt. Dept. of Public Safety describing the
availability of monies for Emergency Shelter Generators was reviewed and

6. An invitation to the Vermont Association of Chief’s of Police luncheon was
received. This was reviewed and filed.

Old Business:

Richard Miller contacted ARK (Animal Rescue of the Kingdom) as a follow to a
prior discussion with Steve Jenness. They denied ever communicating to Mr.
Jenness that the financial costs associated with Oasis Kennel for the care
of the animals removed from his property were going to be covered by ARK.
Given this new information, a letter to this effect will be sent to Mr.

Richard also called Sgt. Major Lou Lertola Retired for clarification of his
request to have the disabled veterans tax relief notice placed on the March
town meeting notice. This will be included in the warning.

New Business:

The deadline for the sale of the Town properties was 4:30 PM on December
13th, 2010.

The Selectmen awarded the sale to Mr. Peter Comeau of Frankie Holdings LLC. In
New Boston, New Hampshire. His deposit of $1600.00 will be held pending
completion of the sale within 30 days as posted in the warning.

There were no bids received on the tractor loader located at the transfer
station. This will be revisited in the spring.

Orders 11,11A, and 12 were reviewed and signed for payment.
Copies of the Revenue and Expenditures report were received and reviewed.

C. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM

Submitted by L. Labor

Morgan Select Board Meeting 11/22/10

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on November 22, 2010 @ 7:00 PM

Present: R. Miller Chair
R. Guyer
L. Labor

A. Previous meeting minutes accepted as read.

B. Information on a sample public posting of the proposed Junk Yard Ordinance
was reviewed. VLCT Senior Staff Attorney has reviewed the proposed ordinance.
It is good to go in the paper and for public posting in 5 places as per 24
V.S.A. 1972

A copy of “Roberts Rule of Order Motions Chart “ was received. This will be
forwarded to our town moderator Mr. Woods.

A request for appropriations was received from the Vermont Coalition of
Municipalities. This was read, reviewed and voted against.

VLCT sent dues information for FY 2012. Morgan’s fee will be $700.00. This was
not the bill. It will be forthcoming.

A weight permit application was received along with payment. This was reviewed
and signed.

Cmd. Sgt. Major Lou Lertola Retired sent a postcard requesting the Town
increase the property tax exemption for disabled veterans.

R. Miller will call him for clarification of his request.

C. Old Business:

Per request of R. Guyer, the funding of the NVDA for the amount of $380.00 was
revisited as he was not present and unable discuss or vote at the November 8th
board meeting. After general discussion it was noted that this appropriation
had been granted in the past in the same manner; a second vote passed the

D. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM

Submitted by L.Labor

Morgan Select Board Meeting 11/8/10

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on November 8, 2010 @ 7:00 PM

Guest: Steve Jenness

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM

Present: R. Miller
L. Labor
R. Guyer absent

Previous minutes (October 25th) accepted as read.

A. Steve Jenness came to discuss the Oasis Kennel bill that was sent to him.
After discussion the Board agreed to talk with ARK (animal rescue of the
kingdom) about the billing and arrangements made with the landowner. Richard
will contact them to attempt to resolve the issue.

B. The following communications were read, reviewed and filed:
Memorandum from VLCT on new scholarship program and renamed grant

Copy of Act 250 Land Use Application for Lewis A. Thomason Living Trust.

C. Actions taken:

A request from Tammy Lee Morin and James Judd to attend a delinquent tax
seminar was approved. Registration is $55.00 / person.

The Town health officer recommendation form was received from the State.
This has been filled out and returned to the State.

R. Miller will obtain a letter of resignation per State request from
Kathleen Blindow.

The Select Board would like to take this opportunity to thank Kathleen for
her service to the town.

Kathy Brule-Lazarro has volunteered to fill the position. Thank you for
helping out.

A request was received from R. Guyer to add the NVDA to the appropriations
list In the amount of $380.00 without a petition. After a brief discussion it
was felt that this would be a departure from our policy. Previously,
organizations seeking funding from the Town have been requested to submit
petitions with the requisite number of signatures, this can be warned at town
meeting in March for the voters to discuss.

A new bill has been received from Oasis Enterprises for care of a stray dog.
This was approved for payment of $163.00.

The wording of the “for sale” notice was finalized and given to Tammy for
publication and posting.

Order # 9 was reviewed and approved for payment.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Submitted by L.Labor

Morgan Select Board Meeting 10/25/10

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on October 25, 2010 @ 7:00 PM

Morgan Select Board Meeting
October 25, 2010
7:00 PM.

Present: R. Miller Chair
R. Guyer
L. Labor

Guest: Sean Selby

A. Previous meeting minutes approved as read.

B. Sean came to the board in his capacity as a State police officer,
soliciting any concerns the board may have regarding enforcement issues within
the town.

A brief discussion about animal control was held; past issues on the public
beach were mentioned. We welcomed Sean’s input and would like him to attend as
his time permits.

C. The following communications were read, reviewed and filed:

1. A copy of the waste water permit for James and Bonnie McWain
2. A letter from Marilyn and David Styles concerning the development
behind the Morgan Country Store.

The above letter being referred to the Town’s zoning administrator

D. Actions taken:

A bill was approved for payment to Mr. Allan Wooley for the annual maintenance
of the town’s web site. Thank you Allan.

A letter was drafted and is to be sent to Mr. Steve Jenness, requesting
payment for expenses incurred by the town for the boarding of dogs left
abandoned on his property by his former tenants.

The board is requesting that Tammy Morin (town clerk) attend our next select
board meeting for a brief review of the software reports format and

Orders # 8 were reviewed and approved for payment.

Copies of the revenue and expenditures report were distributed to the members
for review.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45PM

Submitted by L.Labor

Morgan Select Board Meeting 10/11/10

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on October 11, 2010 @ 7:00 PM

Present: R. Miller Chair
R. Guyer

Guest: Mary Grant executive director of RCT

A. Previous meeting minutes approved as read.

B. New Business:

Mary presented a brief outline and discussion of the services that RCT offers
to the surrounding communities. She also expressed her gratitude on behalf
of RCT for the towns continued support of their transportation efforts.

A new route is to be established with a departure point being the Sunrise
Manor in Island Pond and going to Morgan and picking up passengers there
and traveling to Derby and Newport. The planned frequency is for 2 trips
per month.

Mary left calendars and brochures for distribution from the town office.

C. Names were submitted as possible candidates to be approached for the
anticipated Town Health Officer. This position is expected to be open by
town meeting in March. Robert Guyer will call them and discuss the duties
with each.

D. The VLCT in conjunction with the Vt. Dept. of Health will be presenting
“Town Health Officers “ workshop at various dates in October and November.
The communication is on hand at the town office.

E. An email expressing continued interest in the sale of the round top parcels
was received from Peter Comeau. After discussion the board approved the
sale of the 2 parcels. He will be contacted with a price and be given 30
days in which to respond to the offer after which it will be put up for
public sale.

F. An application for “Back Roads Grant” was received. This was read and

G. VLCT approved the draft of the junkyard ordinance as submitted to them for
review. The ordinance was discussed and approved. It was agreed to proceed
with creating this ordinance according to state statute. Tammy will contact
VLCT for the proper procedure, re; posting and public notification.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40PM

Submitted by L.Labor

Morgan Select Board Meeting 9/27/10

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on September 27, 2010 @ 7:00 PM

Present: R. Miller chair
R. Guyer
L. Labor

Guest: Steve Matson Zoning Officer

A. Previous meeting minutes accepted as read.

B. Steve Matson came to the board with a draft of a junkyard ordinance. This
was reviewed and worked on by the 4 present to modify the VLCT version to
meet the town’s needs.

After modest remodeling of the draft it will be developed into draft #2 and
sent to VLCT for their input. A copy is also sent to be to James Jordan,
planning commission chair.

C. The following notices were read, reviewed and filed for reference:

1. A thank you note from Linda Bordeau for the prompt attention to the road
sign replacements

2. VLCT sent two issue papers #4 and #5 related to public safety re: cost of
corrections and cost of public employee health insurance.

3. VLCT also sent the 2010 – 2011 Calendar of training and events.

4. E-mail was received from Peter Comeau re the disposition of the town’s land
known as the rountop parcels.

5. Copy of Land Use permit was received from Kevin Fries. This was also
recorded in the Land records.

6. A proposed amendment for the Solid Waste Management was received from

D. Actions taken:

1. E-mail sent in reply to Peter Comeau’s inquiry.

2. The invoice received from Vermont Coalition of Municipalities was reviewed
and denied.

3. The invoice from Oasis Enterprises Inc. (Kennel cost) was discussed and
approved for payment. Since the property is a rental and not the
responsibility of the town, the bill will be forwarded to the property
owner for payment to the town.

4. A letter was received from Lou Lertola requesting the town to increase the
veterans with disabilities > 50% to $40K. This was referred to Diane Moore
for computation of the cost to the town. This will have to be a warned
article at town meeting.

5. Warrants # 7 & 7A were reviewed and approved for payment.

6. R. Guyer requested permission to have a small plaque made and attached to a
stone in the public beach area in memory of Elijah Goss. This was voted on
and approved by the select board. R. Guyer abstained from the vote.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Submitted by L.Labor