Morgan Select Board Meeting 8/10/15

Morgan Select Board Meeting
Held on August 10, 2015 @ 6:00 PM

Selectmen’s Draft Agenda/Minutes
August 10, 2015

Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Present: Larry Labor, Chair, Thomas Bonneville, Robert Guyer & TammyLee
Morin, Clerk to the Board.

Others present: Jean Mckenny.

1. Minutes to meeting of July 27, 2015 to review and approve as written.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of July 27th, 2015 as

2. To allow any guests to speak.

Jean McKenny came to speak for the Seymour Lake Association asking
permission to put a memorial under the white Birch tree out back of the
Town Clerk’s office in memory of Kahlman Samuels where it would be facing
the lake and towards the Samuels property, and in the process Jean would
ask Garon-ST-Sauveur to straighten Lucille Flynn’s memorial at the same

A motion was made and seconded to approve the memorial but if there were any
complaint’s it is movable and the SLA would notified to remove it.

3. Tabled from the July 27th 2015 meeting #4 payroll and hourly rate pay
changes for the Transfer station.

A motion was made and seconded to approve to raise Bob Durgin’s pay rate to
$18.77 and Paul Berube to $13.22. Jim Hinton’s pay rate would stay the
same for he is now just filling in when needed.

4. Tabled from meeting of July 27th 2015 under other business: NVDA
proposed seminar plan update.

FYI. Tammy will send information to Allan Wooley to answer some of his
question he had asked Larry Labor.

5. A bill from Auditor Allan Wooley to review and approve to pay.

A motion was made and seconded to approve payment to Allan Wooley for
Auditor work of for the year of 2014/2015 at 16 ½ hours at $10.14 for a
total of $ 167.31 which will be paid out on the next meeting of August
24, 2015

6. Orders # 15004 to review and approve.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the Orders #15004 with the
correction of Joseph Malgeri’s check of $2,168.00 to $168.00 for a total
payroll order $ 6,406.31 to be changed to $ 4,406.31 and Accounts payable
of $26,987.26. Tammy will put copies of the voided check with order
#15004 and will have a new corrected warrant for the next meeting of
August 24, 2015.

Other Business:

A. DOT speed cart placement: This will be put at the turn out of Lay Drive.
Larry will contact DOT.

B. Bonneville-NFI-Tom will contact Chuck Myers and let them know that they
will have to come up with a $4,000.00 security deposit and $ 4,000.00 per

C. Bazzar report – The Circle of Friends reported that they made $3,067.00
in bazaar sales and $3,393.00 in quilt sales.

D. A motion was made and seconded to pass the tax rates for 2015 – 2016 at
the rates of:

General fund tax rate + State Education Residential tax rate: .3256 + 1.4173 = 1.7429
General fund tax rate + State Education Non-Residential Tax Rate: .3256 + 1.8347 = 1.8603

General fund tax rate: .3256
Total Residential tax: 1.7429
Total Non-Residential tax: 1.8603

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m.